“If I have seen future, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Issac Newton
Author: ohingpong
Nothing to be afraid of
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about;If you are sick, there are two things to worry about: either you will get well or you will die.

Joshau Allen Harris
阿西用左三年既電腦:成個Mon落左個Sepia tone filter。 我部電腦都開始有Vignette filter。 CC贈我一句歌: 「I, I, I am a gadget man.」我真係發現,用十隻手指拎膠剪,比起PS既Pen tool/Selection tool都好用,真係不知命運是誰定。 阿西把FYP命名為FWP (Final Week Project). 通頂通到有Jet lag.
A good way to “rebrand” : Shreddies
Lovely Tautao

To do list
Big countries: Be humble and keep arrogance. Know more about China first. You don’t know more than we do. Respect Olympics. Ask your government about the situation of Mexico. China: Keep World Wide Web a world’s network. Freedom of press. Talk faster (for authorities). Debate better (for public).
related links:http://tvinjapan.com/blog/2006/09/10/big-in-japan-right-now-the-tarako-cupie-girls/http://ruperthemoose.livejournal.com/167547.html
Innate impulses are emotional driving
Every one has that moments. But we just think about it, they did it. It is only JC Penny has that bold big thinky head.