A camera for the shots you missed1200 frames per second!
Author: ohingpong
Is it good?
Mother Beethoven
Neuroscientific ways to determine how ads work — or fail to workhttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/31/business/media/31adcol.html?_r=1&oref=slogin It should not be determined, and cannot.
Phillippe Starck
“I was a producer of materiality and I am ashamed of this fact,” Starck told Die Zeit weekly newspaper. “Everything I designed was unnecessary.”“I will definitely give up in two years’ time. I want to do something else, but I don’t know what yet. I want to find a new way of expressing myself …design […]
故事:地下革命組織「紅色青年軍」成員陳霆、雞紮、阿魚計劃進行武裝革命,但因缺乏武器而一直未有實際行動。新聞報導指有人在渠務地盤掘到二戰時期炸彈,三人想到可利用炸彈作為武器來源,故在深夜前往挖掘。結果,炸彈掘不到,卻掘到一把價值千萬的二戰時期軍刀… 拍攝日期:4月,八個拍攝天 角色要求:陳霆--男,18-30歲,認真倔強、堅持革命雞紮--男,18-25歲,吊兒郎當、玩世不恭阿魚--女,16-25歲,硬朗,掩飾柔弱一面 http://notarevolution.blogspot.com/
Book X Online http://thingsihavelearnedinmylife.com

“His public appearances were talked about for years. In one industry talk, he stood silently next to a woman playing the cello. Another time he gave a speech with a naked man on stage, demonstrating that a person is a blank canvas. And he once hired an actor to babble onstage while Mr. Arden displayed […]
Mark Jenkins
= Getting Things Done = Go To Die