Image and story,唔洗講野,且看Eddie Adams及Nick Ut人所皆知在越戰時的相片:Background and storyBackground and story 一言蔽之,It needs a gripping story to tell, for which equipment doesn’t help.
The primacy in photographs is content.

Image and story,唔洗講野,且看Eddie Adams及Nick Ut人所皆知在越戰時的相片:Background and storyBackground and story 一言蔽之,It needs a gripping story to tell, for which equipment doesn’t help.
如果結婚那天,我老婆可以如Pattie Boyd般全身Mary Quant,那確實是好美麗。更美麗的是我就會被譽為不懂音樂又沒有MBE的東方George Harrison。 講開又講,70 年代Mary Quant的Brand Manager 原來是現任Saatchi & Saatchi的CEO,Kevin Roberts。十六歲離校做了Mary Quant的Assistant Brand Manager。我的評價是:嘩!。
故勿論Windows Vista是否抄Mac,(太陽底下無新事嘛),最令我關注的是會否有翻版。假如流失了一班翻版用家,我相信Windows Vista Hit極有限。 拾人牙慧:「北宋年間,柳永的詞十分流行,凡有井水之處,人們都能歌柳詞. 柳永當年並沒有派人到各地各處的井邊,嚴控眾人唱他的歌的自由‥‥‥」
1.今個晚上,比錢去食屎。2.王旅旅去了一間圖書館理髮,理髮師們一直保持緘默。3.今日補習,學生給了我看一副3D眼鏡,說看景像時會更立體。Stephanie says,”Isn’t life already in 3D?”
Woow, “I’m a Mac” ad campaign finds a witty solution, crafting the “Mac” to be friendly, giving a gift, giving a hug to the “PC”. It does solve the problem by just one simple solution, unaware by the audiences. Clever wit.