Category: 未分類
我就這樣一個膚淺並且容易滿足的小生。 只要有人覺得我有價值,我便會努力完成手上的工作;什或,有人欣賞我,我更會因此而努力地生存多一天。
Self encouragement
“If I have seen future, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Issac Newton
Nothing to be afraid of
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about;If you are sick, there are two things to worry about: either you will get well or you will die.

Joshau Allen Harris
阿西用左三年既電腦:成個Mon落左個Sepia tone filter。 我部電腦都開始有Vignette filter。 CC贈我一句歌: 「I, I, I am a gadget man.」我真係發現,用十隻手指拎膠剪,比起PS既Pen tool/Selection tool都好用,真係不知命運是誰定。 阿西把FYP命名為FWP (Final Week Project). 通頂通到有Jet lag.
A good way to “rebrand” : Shreddies
Lovely Tautao

To do list
Big countries: Be humble and keep arrogance. Know more about China first. You don’t know more than we do. Respect Olympics. Ask your government about the situation of Mexico. China: Keep World Wide Web a world’s network. Freedom of press. Talk faster (for authorities). Debate better (for public).