Category: 🖤
“When a lamb goes to the slaughter, the lamb might kill the butcher. But we always bet on the butcher.”
瘦不下來; 耿直男兒
Newton observed: “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” The quants created a name for the Truth, a name that smacked of cabalistic studies of magical formulas: alpha. It is used in contrast with another Greek term, beta , which is shorthand for plain-vanilla market returns anyone with […]
仙樂處處飄; 袁鳳瑛
以前啲兒歌原來咁有詩意嫁! 仙樂飄飄處處聞 主題曲 詞:羅大佑 詞:林夕 編:Barry Chung 唱:袁鳳瑛 宇宙誰在暗暗笑 輕輕送人間仙樂處處飄 女孩仍舊赤腳在跳 忘了青草隨她心情慢慢搖 最老的東西是甚麼 是大家出生已學會唱的歌 永遠青春是甚麼 大地的歌每日每夜唱和 鳥兒何以要在叫 想給這人間仙樂處處飄 雨兒何以降下了 是不想孤獨的風兒靜靜搖 老人何以老了 聽不到人間仙樂處處飄 少年何以變大了 難道聽不見微風依然默默搖 聽不見微風依然默默搖