I realized how sad my life is when I found myself reading a graduate mathematics reference text for pleasure on a Friday night.
I realized how sad my life is when I found myself reading a graduate mathematics reference text for pleasure on a Friday night.
程菲得意 > 想入非非 > 想入程菲 /嘩!
“I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Believe me, being rich is better.” claim 錢先
Its four in the morning, I’m still sitting at my room smoking, and I just now realized that it’s because going to sleep means having to wake up tomorrow.
我是這部戲的主角,而這部戲叫作「茄哩啡的一生」,英文是為 Carefree life.
Spoof can be not cliche, but by quantity.http://gizmodo.com/5030518/85-famous-works-of-art-improved-via-modern-technologyhttp://completeall.com/Funny/Movies-Monsters-on-Classic-Paintings.html