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gatorade / relay / tbwa.chiant.day / los angeles ~ the other final
= billboard > ambient old media. new way. http://www.brainstorm9.com.br/2009/09/29/cnn-lanca-aplicativo-para-iphone-e-incentiva-o-jornalismo-cidadao/
窗外下著雨。我放下窗簾。室內都是香煙和咖啡的氣味,唱盤放著Kraftwerk的音樂。我坐在梳化,讀到這一首詩歌: var myStage:Stage = this.stage; myStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; myStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
“We need leaders. We need someone to love, to hate, to follow. To make the decisions and accept the responsibility for being wrong.” “love to mess with culture and I love to help make companies successful. When these are your goals, the opportunities are endless.”
“A fierce restlessness. Healthy cynicism. A real world perspective. An ability to simplify. Restraint. Patience. A genuine balance of confidence and insecurity. And most importantly, humanity.” “When all is said and done, I trust my creative judgment. Not just is it creative but more importantly, is it right.”
“All things visual inspire me. From fine art to film, from architecture to a beautiful sunset. Hey, I’m an art director. I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. I’m really a boring person. I have a simple life. I have dogs and a boat. I’ve had the same job for 40 years, the […]
http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2008/august/the-state-of-art-direction “They(clients) know we can turn it around in an afternoon. There’s no more magic in art directors, and a lot of people think they can do it themselves, because they have some programme on their computer.” Perhaps this is understandable – if a client sees their children put together the basics of a website […]