Woow. High Dynamic Range!

The letter Charles Darwin, the man who shook the foundation of our origins and destiny, wrote at the end of his life: “Up to the age of 30, or beyond it, poetry gave me pleasure. But now for many years i cannot endure to read a line of poetry. my mind seems to have become […]
一件政治大事竟然將之命名為「超級星期天」,何等騎呢。試想一想,假如一日這個歷史項目被列入中小學的歷史課程當中,這件事件將會被同學們牢牢記住:「Super Sunday!!a day when democrazy began in Taiwan.」。騎呢。 They are good at pun:然後在是次神聖的日子裡頭,其中一個節目令人發指,該環節名為「打氣」。各個支持者在台上手執氣pump使勁打氣--物理學上的Brownian Motion。騎呢。
Conversation is the most efficient way to widen your horizon.————————————————————–A CEO is nothing more than having common sense and good language skills.
The Science of Sleep 就上喇!
A Professor was explaining marketing concepts to the MBA Students:1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: “I am very rich. Marry me!” – That’s Direct Marketing2. You’re at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up […]
Iraqi Kid Runs For Water CHILLS DOWN MY SPINE!