Conceptually gifted. Technically proficient.
Tag: 未分類
“a whimsical spot happy enough for kids and nostalgics while remaining thoughtful and visually compelling enough for the tipplers…Everyone’s familiar with popping water balloons–you’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, kids see it, grandmothers see it–but they’ve never seen it like this before. I think what’s so exciting about the camera is that it doesn’t contrive […]
Company’s dream
Chaos, Unpredictability, Creativity
Michel Gondry’s new movie wor
This is creativity
Creativity is not about thinking of a TVC, a so-called witty print ad.(which are mostly rarely understood), or things like that. We Need Experimenters, not leaders. Yes, it is:
Motto of the year 2008 v1.0
“You don’t need to be Christian to behave like a gentleman, but you need to talk like a gentleman. For those who don’t know what they are saying have no right to own ideas.”

virtual space
Sorry,各位朋友,從今以後天真等於開放,儍等於蕩。 有病果張叫病假紙,你果張叫假病紙 尋找在英國捲煙的日子。 每間郵局係咪咩國家既人都有呢?