故勿論Windows Vista是否抄Mac,(太陽底下無新事嘛),最令我關注的是會否有翻版。假如流失了一班翻版用家,我相信Windows Vista Hit極有限。 拾人牙慧:「北宋年間,柳永的詞十分流行,凡有井水之處,人們都能歌柳詞. 柳永當年並沒有派人到各地各處的井邊,嚴控眾人唱他的歌的自由‥‥‥」
Tag: 未分類
Hanging out
1.今個晚上,比錢去食屎。2.王旅旅去了一間圖書館理髮,理髮師們一直保持緘默。3.今日補習,學生給了我看一副3D眼鏡,說看景像時會更立體。Stephanie says,”Isn’t life already in 3D?”
Mac finds a good solution
Woow, “I’m a Mac” ad campaign finds a witty solution, crafting the “Mac” to be friendly, giving a gift, giving a hug to the “PC”. It does solve the problem by just one simple solution, unaware by the audiences. Clever wit.

Thanks to fast bandwidth Youtube
Yumiko 空中飛褲再一次印證Viral videos 的威力。 Focus on the score of the game:「鄭希怡」成為yahoo圖片搜尋榜之冠;Youtube viral } Views: 44,839 only two days
“After studying the success of Mr.Kobler’s American Weekly, you may come to a conclusion that it rests on just one thing: It does not sell space, it sells ideas.” So what an idea is:“An idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements.” So, how to come up with a big […]