真係Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ayUm diddle diddle diddle um diddle aySupercalifragilisticexpialidocious!Even though the sound of it Is something quite atrociousIf you say it loud enoughYou’ll always sound precociousSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ayUm diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay Because I was afraid to speak When I was just a […]
Tag: 未分類
Aftertaste – John Narsbitt(2006), “MINDSET”
. Complexity is often used as an instrument of camouflage, simplifying supports transparency.. Authority slavery is one of the biggest enemies of truth.. Who is right overrules what is right. . We have to make connections between things that seemingly don’t fit. Geniuses often build on details that many people can spot but can’t connect.. […]
I will be out to UK next semester. I know that I will either hate it or love it(If I hate it, it will be like a ceal of my lifetime). But I will try to make the most of it, searching the sky for undetected stars. Shoot with target:*better English;*Keep track on my everyday […]
There are only 108 elements in the world
Long gone are the days when King Solomon(300BC) wrote his famous words:“That which has come to be, that is what will come to be; and that which has been done, that is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the Sun.”The DNA of change spirals around the pillars of constancy. Most change […]
Woow. High Dynamic Range!

The letter Charles Darwin, the man who shook the foundation of our origins and destiny, wrote at the end of his life: “Up to the age of 30, or beyond it, poetry gave me pleasure. But now for many years i cannot endure to read a line of poetry. my mind seems to have become […]
一件政治大事竟然將之命名為「超級星期天」,何等騎呢。試想一想,假如一日這個歷史項目被列入中小學的歷史課程當中,這件事件將會被同學們牢牢記住:「Super Sunday!!a day when democrazy began in Taiwan.」。騎呢。 They are good at pun:然後在是次神聖的日子裡頭,其中一個節目令人發指,該環節名為「打氣」。各個支持者在台上手執氣pump使勁打氣--物理學上的Brownian Motion。騎呢。

Conversation is the most efficient way to widen your horizon.————————————————————–A CEO is nothing more than having common sense and good language skills.
The Science of Sleep 就上喇!