
「這沒甚麼,大家都可以做,捨得與不捨得而已。」 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/art_main.php?iss_id=20100306&sec_id=10793096&art_id=13791756


明人不做暗事 暗處有狗咬腳。 計不到的,就用猜的,猜一猜最壞有多壞,如果最壞也不是太壞的話,GO。 我豁達,所以我不介意別人說我不豁達。 大家都是地球人,沒有甚麼好爭的。 呢排好多豬流感,創作都係一樣,係需要靈感。 特工暴露了身份,就不可以再做特工。

“It is better to be charmed than to charm.” – Nigella Lawson

What makes people feel good about themselves is feeling as if they have been charming, interesting; in short, that you have been listened to. The notion be riveting, or aim to be quite the most fascinating person in the room, was a vulgarity, and just sheer, misplaced vanity. Trying to be charming is self-indulgent; allowing […]